On the Shoulders of Our Words

We place a burden on the shoulders of our words We tell them they can create and invent An unforeseen history, an impossible age to come Or they can destroy all on which out labors are spent They can mend the cosmos and make the heavens come undone So gingerly, I set the winds upon the seas I have rent As... Continue Reading →

Guest Barista December Rose- Starlets and Shrouds

A huge thanks to Go Dog Go Café for reposting this poem! If you guys haven’t checked the page out, please do. All of the “guest baristas” have amazing works to share 🙂

Go Dog Go Café


‘Tis a faint halo that hems in the moon

A reminder that it is enslaved here, too

By its own beauty, its Clair de Lune

Much like the hearts it shines to woo

Are we not all but silhouette

As such, ’tis only shadows we beget

The shrouds that encompass each starlet

Illuminate dreams and prayers unmet

Footprints on the sand, then, are soul-deep

And as I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my soul to keep

That, into the world, my light might seep


My name is December Rose… Well, that’s not entirely true, but I prefer that name as a writer. Just like everyone else, I’m not just a writer. I’m also not just a musician, engineer, coffee enthusiast, or child, but I am all of those things and plus a bit more. I’ve lived life and had my share of wonderful and regrettable experiences, and found that my place…

View original post 195 more words

Only You

Searching for answers between the lines Lines in the palm of your hand Searching for the slightest sign Sign that is your heart's fervent demand I search your eyes and see it unfold Unfold like cloud shape shifting Rampant, it could never hold Hold shape: I saw my own soul searching Searching, I found only you.   Confess

Ever On the Wing, pt. II

Called to be a soldier-king Called to romanticize everything From childhood on to elder spring From alluvial dreams to supernova after-glowing Called to not know where I stand Called to see beyond the borderland From a racing pulse when I fly unmanned From a gratuitous smile when I crash land Yet here I see all that I am... Continue Reading →

Tales of the Sea

We are told in the tales of the sea The merchant, the pirate, and the shipwreck, we Who dare to take the world by storm Through placid waters, or weather worn Through sails torn Through strife, forlorn Through wanton scorn We are told in tales of the sea Whether by raiment, by gull, or by... Continue Reading →

Neither Here Nor There

'Tis neither here nor there For whence I set off I do not orchestrate the wind nor the sun's rays Euphonious, yet inexplicably irreverent in chase 'Tis neither here nor there From whence I came I've been told we'll understand in the by and by The cause of the earth's quake and the rock's slide... Continue Reading →

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Under ADA/FEPA CA Mun. Code 2338-6 - RE: Medical Public Therapy (MPT) for Michelle V. Underwood - To Whom It May Concern: I am currently treating this individual for a series of social-phobic personality disorders; a medical condition that substantially limits Ms. Underwood’s work and major life activities. This blog is required in her treatment plan. Under CA code 2338-6, she is allowed to speak freely as needed to try and restore some form of normal social function. -Beverly J. Schaeffer, M.D., APA CA lic #2348974-076.

Tales Told Different

"I saw the Angel in the marble, and carved until I set him free"

Jo Writes Fantasy

Born in Poland | Lives in Texas Now | Hype

Way Too Fantasy

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