Odd Adventures, Pt. II: Ashes, Ashes

Finally after a few minutes, with the pile of ashes at his feet growing to a sizeable hill, his fingers struck the hard, solid wood. He widened the hole so they could see more easily, and he removed one more large chunk. They both gawked at the sight.

Odd Adventures, Pt. I: The Clearing in the Woods

He was going to run over to her and throw his arms around her, but he didn't want to forget where the path was, so he took off his shoes and placed them on either side of the path inside the clearing. That way, he'd know where to place his first foot as he made his way back out, if "out" existed. 

A Second’s Inspiration

Flipping each sheet one by one, he noticed a sparkle from the page he had been working on, which now appeared to be gilded on the edge as well. His eyes widened as he revealed the page, which appeared to be covered in oil-slick except for an outline where his hand and pen had been, which was now a silhouette of plain, off-white paper with a dot of smudged black where the ink had dripped. It bled into the slick and swirled into a mesmerizing, spiraling pattern. He dabbed the page with the paper towel he had been using to clean off his pen to see if the page was wet, but even after smearing and rubbing for a few seconds, the page seemed to be dry as a piece of plain paper could be.

Mary Flyer

I loved flying kites when I was little... The way they bobbed and swayed upon invisible, tumultuous waves. The way they could be seen by friends, near and far, both close friends and formerly unknown folks, and silently call a gathering that would add to the fleet of flying vessels across the town. My mother... Continue Reading →

Buddy the Duckling

It was an absolutely spectacular day to be six years old. The sun was shining, a few fluffy clouds spotted the bright blue sky to give it a bit of texture, and there was a breeze that was just cool enough to raise the goosebumps on my arms. It was the kind of day that required a... Continue Reading →

She Loves Me

"She loves me... she loves me not... she loves me... she loves me not... uh oh..." and then I picked another daisy from the garden and continue, "She loves me... she loves me not... she loves me... she loves me not... SHE LOVES ME!" With the biggest grin a five-year-old is capable of, I held onto that... Continue Reading →

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Michelle builds starships.

Under ADA/FEPA CA Mun. Code 2338-6 - RE: Medical Public Therapy (MPT) for Michelle V. Underwood - To Whom It May Concern: I am currently treating this individual for a series of social-phobic personality disorders; a medical condition that substantially limits Ms. Underwood’s work and major life activities. This blog is required in her treatment plan. Under CA code 2338-6, she is allowed to speak freely as needed to try and restore some form of normal social function. -Beverly J. Schaeffer, M.D., APA CA lic #2348974-076.

Tales Told Different

"I saw the Angel in the marble, and carved until I set him free"

Jo Writes Fantasy

Born in Poland | Lives in Texas Now | Hype

Way Too Fantasy

Speculative fiction book reviews and more!

The Essence of you

Inspire Innovate Improve.